მთავარისიახლეებიპოლიტიკაThe Georgian side has not signed any commitment with French manufacturers -...

The Georgian side has not signed any commitment with French manufacturers – Renaud Salins

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he Georgian side has not signed any commitment with French manufacturers, – French Ambassador to Georgia Renaud Salins said after meeting Defense Minister Mindia Janelidze.

According to the Ambassador, there have only been discussions that continue up to now.

‘’Last year discussions were launched between the Georgian government and the French manufacturers in a bilateral format. I want to emphasize the term – ’’discussions’’, because the Georgian side has not signed any commitment – there has not been any agreement, any commitment or any similar thing.

The only thing that I can say is that the discussions, started last year, continues up to now’’, – the Ambassador said.

Irakli Alasania said today he had signed a memorandum with France, though the points of the agreement had not been realized. According to Alasania, he had not talked about the story in detail before now, because he hoped that before the memorandum expired they would use the chance, but now it has already been missed, since it expired at the end of March. 


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